Why You Should Choose Manila For A Day

We recently celebrated our fourth year and after thousands of extremely happy time travelers (read: tourists), we can’t help but be proud of a few things that make our company one the best in the country. So if you haven’t taken one of our signature tours yet, here’s a couple of reasons why you should choose Manila For A Day:
We’re Founded on Ethics and Principles
When you hire Manila For A Day, you’re hiring a company that is conscious about its impact on the big picture, regardless of us being a small company. We put our money where our mouth is and we’re not just another money-grubbing, soulless corporation looking to make a quick buck on tourists.
For example, we have stood firmly on our zero commission policy for the last four years as well as with our policy of refusing to receive anything from our guests (except tips). This means that when you ask any of our expert Cultural Navigators for a recommendation, he’s not thinking about where to send you to earn a little extra with the commissions on your purchase, but instead will wrack his brain to find a perfect solution for your needs.
We are also one of the only few companies in the Philippine tour industry that does not support the use animals for entertainment. We outright refuse to patronize the cruel use of horse-drawn carriages—locally known as the kalesa—which is practically a staple in any tour of Intramuros.
When you hire Manila For A Day, you’re hiring a company that is conscious about its impact on the big picture, regardless of us being a small company.
Engaging, Entertaining, and Enlightening
We pride ourselves in creating tour programs that go beyond the usual “tourist-y” experience. Manila For A Day tour programs are time-traveling experiences filled with riveting stories and contextualized facts. We focus on the narrative and bring to life the dusty historical tomes of yore. First, we engage, then we regale and entertain, all in the hopes that you go home a little bit more enlightened.
You can quote us on that!
One of the proudest policies we’ve upheld in Manila For A Day is that every information that comes from any of our expert guides and Cultural Navigators is a fact. We do our best to make sure that everything in our commentaries can be academically cited. This means that not only are you having a fun and engaging time on our tours, you can bring your learnings from our tours and tell the world about it without risk of being embarrassed for fibbing accidentally.
Quality, quality, and quality
We believe deeply in delivering the best value for your money. This belief is among the foundations that Manila For A Day is built on. This is the reason why we focus our energies on private tours. We don’t want you spending what should be a memorable time jostling elbow to elbow with fifty other people trying to hear your guide and learning next to nothing. We want to give you only the best experience.
Top notch service
You’re not just another anonymous source of income for us. We value you as a person and we’re particularly proud of our pre-tour and post-tour services. In practice, this translates us always trying to do everything we can to make your booking process smoother and your tour better. This is all contained in the Manila For A Day once a guest, always a guest policy which states that you can expect the same quality of service even after the tour is over.
This policy may not seem like much now, but it comes in handy a if, say, you have a question about the Philippines that you only thought of a week after your tour. What do you do then? Well, go on ahead and send your Cultural Navigator an email. You’re guaranteed an answer!
These reasons, among others, are just some of why our Trip Advisor reviews are exceptionally high and it’s why we can honestly say that navigating across cultures with us is the best decision you can make when you’re only in Manila for, well, a day.

Dustin is the Lead Guide and Cultural Navigator for Manila For A Day. He’s a history nerd and loves using history as a focal lens for understanding contemporary culture. When he’s not having fun guiding, Dustin uses his cultural intelligence expertise as a business development consultant and helps his clients build businesses from the ground up. Shoot him a line at dustin@manilaforaday.com.